A noted banking and financial service industry lending house contacted us while in the midst of a phase of accelerating customer penetration and business expansion. Their challenge was an increasing inflow of in-bound calls and a dire need for a way to manage the increasing need for outbound calling. With the next round of strategic client penetration fast approaching, the client needed a partner who could act fast and sturdy. What they eventually wanted to do was not just an automated call management framework, but also a way to rationalize costs while providing a great customer experience.
Proactivity was the need of the hour, and Call Center BPO was quick to act upon it. We knew the client needed a strategic partner who could handle the required call volumes, while being flexible enough to align with a dynamic customer penetration strategy offshore. A month’s work of rigorous agent analysis, planning and pre-on boarding is what ensued as soon as we were first contacted by the client. We on boarded a team of calling experts who were not just native speakers, but also well-versed into the financial products. Topping them up with product and service specific training for the client’s portfolio, what resulted was a team able to not just meet the projected call volumes, but also the challenging sales target projections from the client.
The business expansion project was a big success in both meeting business goals as well as customer experience KPIs. Not only did the client reach the desired population of customers, but was able to improve their net promoter score by a sizeable measure. The team of adroit callers incepted by us fared brilliantly in meeting all quality guidelines, and in addition rationalized the cost base by nearly 40 %, when compared to operations in-house.